Can you be "dating" if you haven't REALLY been on a date?
No, follow me here, cause I think I am. Dating I mean. I think that that's what he thinks we're doing too. But there has not been a traditional, call me, ask me out, I'm coming to your house to pick you and take you somewhere kind of date (and there needs to be in the NEAR NEAR future). But I mean, yeah, we started out just hooking up but in the last few weeks, things are different. We're legitimate. We're hanging out. He's calling me. Regularly. He's starting to know my schedule and what I'm up to on the weekends. Last week he brought over wine and I cooked dinner. This week he brought over Chinese and we watched a movie. And when he went to leave, he kissed me. We didn't make out for hours on end on my couch (like last week). He just kissed me. Like, Hello, Goodbye, you kiss the person you're dating. Goodbye--I know you're tired, I don't want to keep you up, but let me kiss you. Call me Friday. Just normal. . .God, it felt nice. Almost nicer than making out for hours on end on the couch. Cause it just felt like 2nd nature. Cause I think we're dating. Maybe.