Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Best Friendship

I have a "date," sort of, for the beach today. That is, we're both going and he told me to give him a call and we'd meet up. You realize the impending and serious problem right? In which bathing suit do I look the most svelte?

I call ME immediately. The first thing she says. . ."Don't wear the green and yellow one, you have a tendency to fall out of that one. Don't you have a pink one?" me2: "Yeah, I fall out of that one too. I wore it last week and Friend had to keep me constantly in check." me: "Ok, you know which one I like--the black one, the Wal-Mart one. It's simple and flattering." me2: "I like that one too! What an unexpected find." me: "Ok, and the blue one. . .not my favorite. Cute, but not my favorite. What else you got?" me2: "The other Target one, yellow with butterflies." me: "But are you tan enough for that?" me2: "Not quite. Ok, then I have the Banana Republic red one, just simple, the bottoms tend to sag, though I'll have to try it on." me: "No, that's one's cute, simple." me2: "Ok, cool, either the black one or the red one."

Only women would know basically every bathing suit in their best friend's collection. I just found the conversation amusing, amazing, and wonderful, that a friend could know all my bathing suits even though she hasn't seen them in 8 months and is four hours away! I picked the red one, me.
