I should say upfront that I am on a blogging moratorium today (after this one). Miss O failed to call me last night, and I refuse to let her read about my date via my blog as punishment for being so remiss. I'm sorry the rest of you have to be punished for her shortcomings ;-)
However, I do have an announcement to make. After my post about internet dating last week (and I swear I did not have my upcoming date in mind, since much of me said that it would ultimately flop, the guy wouldn't be as cute in person, I would realize annoying quirks he had, etc.), I am justified. A guy I met on the internet who lives about two hours away came up to see me this weekend. Although I knew what he looked like and had seen his picture, and although I knew we got along well and had a lot in common, I still half expected it to flop in person. You always should with internet dating, there's just something about it that doesn't quite translate into reality. In fact, he kept telling me to lower my expectations.
I could not believe how good-looking he is in person. I mean, granted, he's definitely MY type, and perhaps that's not everyone's type, but I still expect most people would say objectively, he's good-looking. When he came to my door, in my head, I literally thought, "No way. I did not meet a guy this hot on the internet." But it's not just that he's cute and I'm attracted to him. . .he's very smart, he's funny, he's witty, he has an amazing vocabulary, I don't have to dumb myself down when I talk to him or explain what words I use mean, we have no problems talking, he dresses well, he takes care of himself, he's affectionate and attentive, and he just could be the perfect guy for me. I will never again shun internet dating, if this is the type of guy that you can occasionally round up! Everyone cross your fingers that I don't find out about any interracial illegitimate children (Britney, anyone?), rampant viral infections, or bizarre fetishes.