Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

7 Things that Made Me Smile. . .

. . .after being in a funk about my fuckwit ex most of the afternoon.

1. My dog. I came in the door, whistled, and she came zipping around the corner like a bat out of hell, with a doggie grin on her face, to say hello, and then proceeded to announce loudly to my roommate that I was home, in case he didn't know. It couldnt've been any clearer if she'd said it.

2. 2 packages!

3. The organza jacket I bought from Talbot's is ugly. I will return it and hence, have saved myself $50.

4. The dress I bought is better. I think I do like it, especially at 1/2 price. And it's an 8 and fits beautifully, which is really the part that made me happy. Of course, this chick is probably a 2, but bite me.

5. Season 1 of Nip/Tuck from Amazon. YEAH!

6. My new Wonder Woman Wallpaper. I got the one of her kneeling down and flashing her sassy bracelets. It looks fabulous on the 17 inch iMac screen. Too bad you can't get one now as they're all out and won't have any more til September.

7. The ability to use hyperlinks.
