Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Conversations with Co-counsel

10:15 AM Hey, Co-Counsel. This is Me2. I'm working on this thing now. Yeah, Partner told me you were looking for the depositions of X and Y. We don't have X. We don't have Y. I checked all the boxes to make sure it didn't get shuffled in with something else. Don't know where they are.

2:30 PM Ring.
Hey Me2, this is Co-Counsel. Do you have Y's deposition?
No, I sure don't. I checked before. Sorry.

5:15 PM Ring.
Hey Me2, Co-Counsel again. You have X's deposition, don't you?
Nope. Sorry.

Is this guy trying to trick me? I don't have either of those things. Rephrasing the question as an affirmative intonation will not make me have them.
