On my poll, it says that the 3some would be one person of YOUR sex and one person of the OPPOSITE sex. Meaning, if you're a girl, it's 2 girls and a guy, and if you're a guy, it's 2 guys and a girl.
I really wanted to weed out the guys who would vote HELL YA if it were two chicks and him. We know that. EVERY guy votes yeah on that. They taught us that in kindergarten.
So, fellas. . .whoever you are. . .remember, the vote is based on whether you'd have one if it were you, another boy, and another girl. I am testing the willingness or non-willingness to engage in same-sex sexual behavior if the novelty of a 3some presented itself. And whether it's different for girls and boys (I seem to have a LOT of ADVENTUROUS girls reading my blog!!).