New Pet Peeve
People who drag their ass and/or can't make up their mind and/or can't form a plan (that makes sense logistically).
The fact that I have time to blog while the people I am visiting take their sweet time getting ready speaks to my plight. Much of this day has been spent obsessing over what we're doing, when we're doing what (well, X is this direction, and Y is the opposite direction, so how do we coordinate that??). They need life planners, honestly. Oh, and also, much time has been spent arguing and fussing about the fact that X person willfully made plans to get a haircut that impeded Y's plans to take me to the beach. Time that we could've BEEN at the beach. Life planners. Get some.
Personally, me, I don't care. We can do whatever. I don't want to spend the next couple hours TALKING about how to coordinate it. That shit really hacks me off. Make a plan, go with it. Not everyone will join. Not everyone will like the plan. But if the other people involved don't have a plan. . . guess what? They may adopt yours. Or if they don't, fuck 'em. I learned a long time ago that drinking/bar-hopping "plans" cannot satisfy the masses and as long as I have a cocktail and a friend, who cares?
I hate it when people drag their ass though. I hope the man I finally settle down appreciates how VERY VERY low maintenance I am when it comes to getting ready. I could get ready in half the time as both these people. And ONE'S A GUY. I can get ready, top to bottom, shower to dry hair to makeup to fabulously dressed in about 45 minutes, if I really have my act streamlined, if I'm trying. Ass dragging is hopefully NOT commencing at this moment, but I have a bad feeling that the husband in this group is . . .well, an ass dragger. . .
My cousin is ironing my skirt for me though. . .