What's Wrong with this Picture?
Number of days we've talked since we met: Every day. Sometimes, several times. Not including prolific text messaging and emailing.
Average number of hours per phone call: 1.5
Number of times him not wanting to date anyone else has been mentioned, when he brought it up: 2
Number of times I then brought it up to discuss: 2
Number of times he's acted freaked about the level of interest he has for me: 1
Number of times I talked him back: 1
Number of times he's shown up unexpectedly at my door from 2 hours away: 1
Number of times he's said complimentary things that people only say in movies or in books: 7-8
Number of times it's crossed my mind that I am completely and utterly crazy, and/or he is: Countless
Number of times I've graciously accepted friendly concern about the intensity of the situation: 10-12
Number of times I felt that friendly concern crossed the line and may have been a product of other factors unrelated to concern: 1
Number of times I've been indirectly or directly warned to "slow down": A few
Number of times it's crossed my mind that great romances are impassioned and insane: A few
Number of times I've been irritated that he's doing *everything* right and still, my friends and I (to some extent) are skeptical: 3,458
Number of times it's occurred to me that I CAN'T convey it in a way in which it WON'T sound crazy: 1 million
Number of days/months/years it will take to know if it's for real: ??????
Amount of confusion residing in my head: A large blog's-worth