Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Monday, May 31, 2004

I want my bed back.

Well, ok, so I'm dating Keith. Yeah, I've seen ENTIRELY too much of him this weekend in fact. I saw him Thursday and Friday night, went to St. Simon's, and let him take me out again last night. And of course, he spent the night each time. The truth is, I like the guy, he's sweet, he adores me, and this is not going to sustain me very much longer. I do like being around him, somewhat, when he's not being obnoxious or making stupid jokes, and I like the IDEA of having someone I can call at any time and guarantee plans and/or a date. And I can. He is, for all intensive purposes, more of my puppy dog than Sadie is. Do I really need that right now?? I thought I did, but I guess I'm starting to feel a little guilty because I think he thinks this is on the road to Girlfriend-ville, and guess what? It ain't.

Honestly, except for the once-a-week date and the physical stuff, I'd rather be single. Cause single is always the opportunity to meet someone new (and I don't intend on foreclosing that opportunity just cause I'm dating Keith, I guess, so what's the difference?). Well, I think the difference is that if I'm spending too much time with Keith, I might not be taking every opportunity to meet someone new. . .I gotta cut back on that boy. It's not even especially addictive. And he sleeps in my bed entirely too much. I want my bed back. I quote Beyonce: "Only ring my celly when I'm feeling lonely, when's it's all over, please get up and leave."

I'm feeling especially cynical about Love today.

I'm sure Huh? will have some choice comments about this, but I saw the Ex yesterday. He brought some stuff back. And I have to say, the conversation was fine, we're fine, we're not in danger of falling into each others' arms (when I remind myself how lazy and inconsiderate he is, I don't EVER want to be back in that place again), but can I just tell you that summer is not a good time for me to see the Ex. Because he tans more than any white boy should. And he looks so good tan. Insert heart pang here. Why did you have to suck so much?!? Anyway, I hope he thought I looked at least as good as I thought he looked. This is not Love, though, it's emotional attachment, see Huh?'s comments to the Advice Needed post. (Wouldn't it be crazy if Huh? were the Ex?? Still dying to know, Huh, feel free to drop hints.)

Before I get posts about how I only want men who treat me badly and I don't see what I have in Keith, let me throw in that Ex and I had FAR more in COMMON than Keith and me. I want a man who treats me well and has some of the same interests. Being attracted to each other is about all Keith and I have in common (I am only SLIGHTLY exagerating).
