Near Misses
Ok, one more for today. I am just SO prolific. TJ had several instances this weekend where he gazed longingly into my eyes and I really thought he was about to say something sweet or even profound, like, "I love you" (hello?!) or "You're so beautiful." And instead. . .he didn't. For instance, last night, as I was sleeping (since I have to get up at the ass crack to drive back to Savannah) and he was awake, I caught him at one point, my head cradled in his arms, just watching me as I slept. My eyes fluttered open and he was just stroking my head and hair, and just watching me sleep. I thought I had dreamed it actually. But I asked him this morning about it, and he said yeah, he was watching me and stroking and caressing me. It's something he hasn't done since very very early in the relationship. . .just hold me, and run his hands over my face and head. It's hard to describe, but it really feels good. And when a boy looks at you like that he was looking at me, you just know he must heart you. So that's all sweet and good and everything. . .
But apparently, um, well, this is embarrassing, but SO FUNNY. Apparently, I have a little gas problem. I virtually never pass gas while awake, but am a prolific gas factory while sleeping. TJ has begun calling me out about this recently, and it's really funny and you can tell that he really thinks it's cute and not gross, and it makes me laugh and I never thought I could feel so endearing about my flatulence as I do with this man.
So, this weekend, Saturday morning, he's gazing at me sweetly, longingly, with just this *look* in his eye. I think, this is it, he's going to tell me. . .!!
So, he takes a deep breath, and says,
"You pooted SO MUCH last night. . .my foot got warm."
He went on to explain that it was good to know that come winter, he'd just have to cuddle up with his babe and that he'd be sure not to leave any open flames lying around with me in the bed.