Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Nutsac-less Sleaze

How could I have been so stupid? That's how I'm feeling today. I mean, I knew that the chances of him pulling this out were slim, but I did not foresee the complete lack of emotion, the sleaziness, the nutsaclessness. . .he came down hard on me, told me it wasn't how I thought, and the funny thing is, I'M the one who forced his hand, who confronted him and said what's going on, and ONLY THEN did he give me a straight answer. Wow, you're not only a sleaze, you're a sleaze with no ballsac. How do I attract these men? And worse. . .how did I NOT know what was going on here?

The conversation went something like this:
"Hey Molly what's going on?"
"I called to ask you the same thing."
"Well, I'm hanging out with my cousin. . ."
"No, Scott, that's not what I mean. . .we haven't talked in a long time."
"Ugh, er, um, er, . . .yeah, I really don't know what to say." (More um-ing and er-ing.)
"I mean, I really thought you might call me and make plans with me this week sometime, to maybe hang out this weekend."
"Well, um, er. . .I'm not available tonight, but. . .I really don't know what to say."
"Ok, well let me talk then, since you seem to be having trouble. Listen, I really like hanging out with you and I think you like hanging out with me. But it's like you call me all the time, and then when you call, it's like you want to hang out, but you don't really know how to make plans, and it's last minute, and I know we haven't really established if we're "dating" but you know, I just really don't feel good about this and I really think that if we're going to continue on, I need to feel like a little more of a priority, I've just felt really lousy all week and I'm not trying to lock you in or say let's be exclusive, at all, I just don't know about this last minute, half-assed, hook-up shit we've been doing. . ."
"Yeah, I guess we're really not on the same page. I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear."
"Ok, well, no that's good to know then. It's a weight off my mind."
"Well, it's been fun. . .so. . ."
"Yeah, no, and you know, I don't want you to have to feel awkward, we have X friend in common, and I'm sure we'll see each other, and I mean, if you ever want to hang out, you can still call me, and I'll. . .just know not to take you to bed from now on. . .so. . .ok, well, I'll talk to you later. . ."

At least I handled myself well. I didn't cry (to him). And honestly, the combination of "we're not on the same page" and "it's been fun" will live on in bad relationship urban legends for years (psst. . .that's the girl who had the guy tell her "it's been fun. . ." "NO!! I thought that was a relationship urban legend!!") You guys, am I an idiot?! I feel like one. How could I have been SO WRONG about a guy? How could I have not seen what a sleaze he was? I mean, I could justify why he hadn't really asked me out so far (up until this week, of course, when I started to clue in something was wrong). And he was calling me ALL THE TIME, again, up until this week. And he was hanging out with me, and we weren't hooking up every time, and it's not like he ALWAYS spent the night, he didn't. He called me from friggin' Talladega!! Anyway, Bruce said I didn't clue in because "he's good at what he does." (Shout out to Bruce for sounding angry enough to beat the guy's ass by the way.) Ok, I'm mostly over it. So two lessons have been learned here: never date guys under 30, and don't drink so much you black out.

So I promptly went out and broke rule number 1 last night. His name is Keith, he's 24, and he has dimples. Yum. We made out at Bar Bar. And my friend April made out with his friend ROMEO, I kid you not, that was his name. (Imagine asking a guy in a bar, what's you name? Romeo. Are you f-ing kidding me?)
