Have you SEEN me?

Formerly Not So Much. . .the daily musings of a 26-year-old PYT whose self-love is superceded only by her obnoxiously endearing ability to remind you at all times just how fabulous she is. Guys too stupid to realize how lucky they are to be graced with her presence? Woman with 4-pack abs climbs onto the elliptical trainer next to her? Arrives at Chick-Fil-A at 10:37, only to learn she has missed her opportunity for a chicken biscuit? She throws all these setbacks off with disdain. . .after all, have you SEEN her??

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

10 Things to Be Happy About

1. My grandma had her leg amputated and seems to be doing ok. This is encouraging considering that they put her under on Thursday and then determined that her blood was too thin and that she would've bled to death if they'd operated, which, of course, inspired a lot of confidence in us (that they actually put her out before they deterined this!). And so they operated yesterday. And she didn't bleed to death. But keep praying. . .if you do that sort of thing. Thanks.

2. I like Christmas. It's hectic and a bit stressful, I guess. . .but it's not too bad, and I like all the good things. Christmas lights on my house, my mini-tree with ornaments that ALL mean something, great big fluffy candy cane-imprinted bows to tie around the beagle's neck, baking cookies for my annual cookie give-away in cute holiday tins, Christmas bonuses (please let it be good!), Christmas music that I tend to listen to 24/7 this time of year, in addition to burning a new super-duper improved Christmas Mix CD every year, and days off work.

3. Mariah Carey's masterpiece Christmas Song has a new place in my heart since Love, Actually. "All I want for Christmas is Boobs." Or, er, something like that.

4. Love, Actually on sale at Target for $10.

5. Did I mention my new boobs yet? I am so incredibly excited about them. And to get the fat sucked out of my stomach and saddlebags. Gosh, you just THINK you've seen me now! Wait til you see new, D, me! Would you like to supersize that order? Yes. Yes, I would.

6. An appointment with my plastic surgeon tomorrow. Again, my boobs. They just keep coming up.

7. My co-worker and I have designated December as Fuck Off December. I mean, my billables aren't going up that much at this point.

8. Feeling a bit better about my job security. I don't think I've bitched about this on this blog before, but basically, I'm a young, inexperienced attorney who can't get experience because I'm female and they forget I'm here (in a nutshell). I have trouble meeting my hour requirements. As in, I NEVER HAVE, ha! But I've gotten close and improved a lot over the last 6 months. The bad news. . .my hours for the YEAR suck! But for the last 6 months, they're decent. And there was a partner's meeting on Thursday and on Friday, I had two new projects in my box from one attorney and another attorney was looking for me. . .this means, they're trying to give me more work to help me with my hours. . .and they're NOT going to fire me. Yay. I could repay them by not blogging, but. . .see number 7.

9. Going to see Bridget Jones finally tomorrow with some girlfriends.

10. My boyfriend is a little bipolar (read: Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde) but it appears he can't stay mad at me and is, in fact, severely in love with me. And RS and I have determined. . .that I can be a little Miss Hydish myself, so. . .you know. . .people in glass houses shouldn't throw skeletons and all of that. He's behaving and is going to nurse me through my boob job.

I really don't have much to complain about. I have a good life. Not everything is perfect, and sure, I worry about money, friendships, relationships, fights with Mr. Bipolar, what kind of outfits to dress my dog up in for various holidays. . .all the normal stuff. . .but I've got it pretty good. I hope all of you can say (and realize) the same. Sending Christmas spirit your way. . .

Miss Have You
